18 months of the IntercropVALUES Project have gone by. Over these months partners have been busy setting up the work: organizing the stakeholders groups around the 13 co-innovation Case studies, agreeing on the activities, defining the protocols for the experiments to be carried on and identifying the barriers for intercropping through the agrifood value chain among other activities. To let the world know about all of this, more than 30 news articles were published on this website, displayed with pictures showing the wide diversity of the project´s contexts, landscapes, and actions.
Maybe you found out a bit later about the project, maybe you missed some of them. These are reasons why we have decided to gather all the news in one single document, our Newsletter number 1, where we display one by one the news covering this first 18 months period. We hope you enjoy the reading! We are already busy with the second period of IntercropVALUES. Stay tuned!